School Goals

Holly Elementary School Goals

Building on the foundation that schools are learning places, we believe that all of the staff and students at Holly Elementary School are learners.

The Delta School District Vision 2030 guides our work and is rooted in what we hope for our learners.

Based on the Delta School District’s mission and values, Holly Elementary staff have identified school goals focusing on Literacy and Social Emotional Learning for the 2024-2025 school year.

For the past several years, our school goal has focused on Literacy instruction. This year, we have added social emotional learning as an additional goal at the school.

Here is the link to see Delta’s Vision 2030,

Our Focus

As a staff, for the 2024-2025 school year, we are focusing on Literacy Instruction and Social Emotional Learning. Our school goal and its process is rooted by using the spiral of inquiry as developed by Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser.

Why Literacy? At Holly Elementary we see the need for more targeted reading instruction and word work to help students improve their literacy skills throughout all the grades. As such, our staff agreed to participate in a Literacy Pilot Project in the Delta School District. By working collaboratively with District Leaders, our Coordinator of Inquiry Teacher, and our LST Team, teachers are seeing data that indicates the skill level of their students and can focus on individual students needs with instruction tailored to the needs of the students in the classroom. This knowledge helps our learning support team work with the staff and students to have a focus for the students at the school.

Why Social Emotional Learning? As a staff we felt it was necessary for us to concentrate on building strong connections and fostering a positive and inclusive classroom community where every student feels valued and supported. By promoting a positive culture of respect, empathy, and inclusion, we can create a space where all students can thrive. Focusing on belonging encourages positive social interactions, helping students build strong relationships with their peers and makes them feel comfortable sharing their ideas and experiences. Through consistent communication, collaborative activities, and celebrating each other’s strengths, we build trust, making the classroom a place where everyone can feel comfortable and connected and it will create a culture of care at Holly.

Our Focus Questions:

  1. If we create structured reading practice across all subject areas will our students become more independent at navigating text?
  2. If we work on social emotional learning strategies and building class community will it make an impact on self regulation and school culture?

Our Learning

Staff have engaged in new professional learning through the use of our professional development days, lunch and learn sessions, and through our staff meetings. As well, time and opportunity have been provided for our staff to work with one another to collaborate and share their learning. We look forward to continuing this work that will have a positive impact and improve the educational outcomes for all students.

Our School Goal aligns with the Delta School District Vision 2030. With a focus on Literacy instruction and Social Emotional Learning we engage in the teaching & learning to inspire thriving & future ready learners