Sprint Plant Fundraiser Plant Pick Up
Parents will line up along the front of the school. Tables will be set up for pick up.
Parents will line up along the front of the school. Tables will be set up for pick up.
Holly Elementary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Holly Elementary's Zoom Meeting Time: May 10, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Holly Elementary PAC General Meeting Agenda May 10.21 Join Zoom Meeting https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/68429943369 Meeting ID: 684 2994 3369 Passcode: 011620 One tap mobile +17789072071,,68429943369# Canada +12042727920,,68429943369# Canada Dial by your... Read more »
via Zoom
Scholastic Book Fairs Free shipping: Wed. May 19th & May 26th from 6-8pm https://virtualbookfairs.scholastic.ca/pages/5159966
In an effort to limit the number of people arriving at the same time, we are suggesting the following schedule by last name: A-F 4:30-5:00 G-L 5:00-5:30 M-R 5:30-6:00 S-Z 6:00-6:30