
Giving Wednesday

Collecting donations of dry/canned goods for the South Delta Food Bank

Non-Catchment and Non-District Applications

Accepted starting at 8:30 am online only Applications submitted before the deadline of March 5, 2021 will be placed in priority order and considered together as a group when decisions are made regarding approvals.  

Black Shirt Day

January 15 (Dr. Marting Luther King's birthday) Promote anti-racism and civil rights awareness  

Kindergarten Transition Meeting

For Parents and Caregivers of Children with Exceptionalities Zoom meeting link: Join Zoom Meeting https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/4524667634 Meeting ID: 452 466 7634 Please ask your SCD Consultant for the password, or call 604 952 5339 or email jlogie@deltasd.bc.ca This meeting will cover the following information: ▪ Description of services and programs available for students with special needs... Read more »