On September 30 there is a walk for Truth and Reconciliation that the Tsawwassen First Nation is organizing. If you and your family would like to participate, it is at the Tsawwassen Mills at 11:00 am. Please meet in the parking lot by the Shell Gas station at the end of Blue Heron Way. It is approximately a 5... Read more »
Monday, November 1 is an important day for the Musqueam First Nation. November 1 represents the day in which Musqueam changed the history of Indigenous rights and title for all Indigenous Nations in Canada - the Crown must now recognize Indigenous title to Indigenous land. On November 1, 1984 Musqueam won a landmark case with... Read more »
Diwali is also known as the festival of lights where good wins over evil. On Thursday Holly will be celebrating Diwali. Wear bright colours or any traditional culture clothes you may have to celebrate our diversity at Holly.