At Holly Elementary, we believe that a strong attendance record and punctuality are necessary components for success in school as well as in life. Poor attendance and/or frequent tardiness can lead to disruptions in the learning process. Being on time sets the student up for success by allowing them to calmly line up with their classmates and be ready for the day. When a student arrives late it interrupts the learning of classmates, the flow of the teacher’s lesson, and puts the student behind in their understanding of the day and initial activities. It often doesn’t seem like much to be a few minutes late or to miss a day here or there, but please look at the chart below to see what kind of potential impact it can have:
Research has shown that the habits that your children are forming now will have an impact on their future. As such, we would encourage students to make a concerted effort to arrive at school on time. Please help your child to develop the importance of timeliness and good attendance.
Thank you for your understanding and for setting your children up for success.
We appreciate your support in this matter.